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  • art competition guidelines

    Competition Guidelines:



    • Individuals event
    • 2 contestants per school
      • 1st contestant from Levels (H to K)
      • 2nd contestant from Levels (L to O)

    H, I, J, K, L, M, N & O.

    Competition Guidelines:

    • Two (2) identical competitions will take place, one for each group (First Group Levels H to K and Second Group Levels L to O)
    • A theme will be preselected by the Event Planners (EP) and shared with the contestants on the 1st day of the event. Contestants will have the whole day to prepare and execute their work. (The exact time to put down the paintbrush will be shared with the topic)
    • All contestants will use acrylic paint
    • Brushes, Canvas, Paint, Pallets, Easels and Stools will be provided at the host school. (Contestants can bring their brushes with them).

    Judging Criteria:

    • The entries will be judged on the second day of the event based on the following criteria:
      • Aesthetic appeal
      • Relevancy to the topic
      • Messages conveyed by the artist
      • Skill and technique (Composition, Media use...)
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