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  • debate competition guidelines

    Competition Guidelines:



    • Team Event
    • 1 team per school
    • 3 contestants per team

    L, M, N & O


    Competition Guidelines:

    Each team will debate a random non-controversial topic of a general nature assigned to them against another team, as per the following structure: 

    1. The two teams to compete are drawn. The position is to be taken by each team (“For”, or “Against”) as per draw order.
    2. Teams are given 10 minutes to prepare. (While the first two teams compete the next two teams will prepare)
    3. The “For” team starts. Team members present their assertions for no more than three minutes.
    4. The “Against” team is given three minutes to rebut the arguments of the first team. (NOTE: rebuttals target the other team’s logic, not members!)
    5. The “Against Team” presents its assertions. Team members present their assertions for no more than three minutes.
    6. The “For” team is given three minutes to rebut the arguments of the “Against” Team, or to defend their assertions.
    7. Both teams are given exactly one minute to prepare a closing statement.
    8. The “For” Team presents their closing statement, for at most one minute. Only one person should do this, and no new points should be made.
    9. The “Against” team presents their closing statement similarly.
    10. Two-time warnings will be given to contestants:
      • The first midway through the allotted time (90 seconds for assertions and rebuttals, and 30 seconds for the closing statement)
      • The second at full-time (180 seconds for assertions and rebuttals, and 60 seconds for the closing statement)

    Judging Criteria:

    Competing teams will be judged on the following criteria:

    • Factual Information (Points made)
    • Persuasiveness (Supporting data).
    • Delivery
    • Rebuttals
    • Closing statement
    • Team work
    • Time keeping
    • Overall impression
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